Kickass Watch Full Joker

Joker Kickass



Writers=Bob Kane
duration=122 minute
Rating=772486 Votes
Zazie Beetz
Todd Phillips

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BatMan: Let it go. Joker: Very poor choice of melody. Those who fight monsters should see to it that they don"t become monsters themselves. The longer you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back into you. -Friedrich Nietzsche.

This movie stays with you after you leave the hall. The sign of a good movie

Its scary watching this after watching the movie ?? and he looks sooooo different.


Christian bale should come back and finish what he started with batman, so he can put Ben Affleck"s version to shame. This Is how much goons joker had in Arkham city 3:50. The back story to how Joker became the Joker is moving, disturbing and entertaining at same time. The story moves along at its own pace and the moral justification for have nots may have its distractors but it is firmly in keeping with the Gotham universe. The descent of the Man into a place where nothing matters is convincing and the audience is moved. Violence shown is necessary and not gratuitous. It makes you flinch but still hooked on to the screen. I dont care if this movie sucks or not (Its looking like its not) But this movie is shot goddamn amazingly.

4:15 Batman in the mirror.
Phoenix to the billionaires : How about another joke.
This was one the best movies Ive ever watched, rotten tomatoes is cancelled. Their opinion no longer matters.

Let"s put this into perspective: Joaquin Phoenix is a great Arthur Fleck. Heath Ledger is a great joker. Joker is my favourite he is a boss ??. He"s wearing a hoodie suit with sneakers. Truly a mad man. An actor can elevate cinema, a mass entertainment medium to art which elevated the soul. Agent Mahone got a new job, I see. This is a movie for everyone not just for comic book fans. Damn, DC really became trash??‍?? we need more movies that are actually good like this again. Me when Jimmy calls him Joaq: Joaqamolie.

He is STILL Arthur Fleck, he is STILL the Joker. Even during his speech

Whos watching this after the Joker-2019. Wonder if sitting at talk shows is ruined for him. Also jokers team and her wife harley queen.